a month later i signed up to run the full flying pig marathon and began my training end of november.
as some of you may or may not know, picking up a pair of running shoes because they look 'cool' is a terrible idea. i heard horror story after horror story of injured runners, leading back to a bad pair of shoes. i sank low in my seat when they told us that at team in training...promising myself that if i felt any pain that might be from my shoe, i will throw them away and get fitted for a real pair of shoes.
just for the record:
from a rough calculation, i have logged about 900 long, trying, sweaty miles onto this pair of asics. and oh....they have been so good to me the past 900 miles. they have seen plenty of sunshine, rain, mud, sleet, snow, ice, mud, gravel, and more rain, and more mud!!
after running a daunting 6 miles on tuesday, i told brooke i'm not going to run another mile until i get a new pair of shoes. so today i went to my local running store to finally get fitted for a pair of running shoes. the guy examined my shoe's wear patterns, watched me walk/run and brought out the newer version of the same shoe i picked up at DSW last year!! it's the Asics GT-2120's. he said it's the perfect fit for my type of foot. wow. what are the odds.
i showed brooke my new shoes when he got home from work. he said, 'cool! they're very....blue. soon, they'll be very....gray.'
what can i say, i like to run in the mud.
well, now that i have my new shoes, maybe i'll have to check out the 'run like hell' half-marathon in portland this october.
doctor's warning:
if you're going to do any sort of serious training on a shoe...get it professionally fitted. it's free, and for you cincinnatians, i would highly suggest Fleet Feet Sports in blue ash. for any of our new seattlite friends who might be reading, i had a great experience at The Foot Zone in Issaquah.
Kool shoes! I can't believe you are just throwing out your old friends like that! You could at least tie them together and hang them on your rear view mirror! Or have them bronzed like my old baby shoes! Or make planters out of them! Pencil holders? I thought I raised you better than that!
my favorite shoes are now restricted to grass-cutting duties. my adidas pair from 1998... there will never be a pair so nice.
900 miles? i've heard runners should not put more than 250-500 miles on a pair... speaking of, i need to get running again.
you know, i went through many possibilities of what i should keep these shoes for. but since we have no more home improvements, and no lawn to be mowed...i have no real reason to keep these. and when you only have 550 sq.ft. to live in, you need to get rid of anything not in use!
yes, scott...i have heard you should not put more than 500-600 miles on a pair of shoes. you can imagine how bad these have been killing my feet this summer.
Glad you got some new shoes so you can keep on running. I still have Ancorage on my calendar for next June!
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