Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gold Creek Trail Snowshoe 2011

Group [L-R]: Danelle, Matt, Brenda, Brandon, Andrea, Andrew & Libby

Towno got a bit tangled.

Andrew, Libby, and Brenda.

Towno, Brooke, and Andrea.

Brandon would like a general caution to be noted regarding trying to walk backwards in snowshoes.

Matt had fun trompin' around!

Amazing how Towno can stretch his paws! Built in snowshoes!

Couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day: looking up to Rampart Ridge.

Matt and Danelle.

The Hoard: Andrew, Brenda, Libby, Brooke, Brandon, Andrea, Towno, Matt, and Danelle.

Beautiful day!

Packing up after lunch. Towno shakin' off!

There couldn't be a more noble dog. Goofy, but noble!

Andrea and Danelle.


Mom K2 said...

It's wonderful to see some new pictures on Finding Nowhere! Looks like you all had a great time! Especially my grand-dog!

My Life Outdoors said...

It's amazing the dog dosnt sink! Thanks for sharing!

scott d said...

beautiful scene, beautiful dog.